Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More Sprouts


IMG_1805so continuing from the last post about sprouts…

they just keep on growing…. and growing… and you just got to keep on wetting it (we used a spray bottle filled with pure water).  you’ll notice some clumps are missing, that’s because we like to just rip off a chunk of grass and chew like cows (except we spit our the fiber)


so i guess eventually you can juice it, but we never got that far. Nay, we ate all that we could and then it turned yellow, and it just kind of died. right in the kitchen. and now it is sitting outside our front porch being used as a kitty litter by the neighbor’s cat (at least that is what we account as the stink)

BUT……. before you stop reading for reals, here are some pictures of some sprouted spelt tortillas i made (way before the spelt became so grassy)


I blended up the spleties in the Vita-Mix


Kneaded them with some flour, salt and oil. Rolled them out and…


… popped them on the griddle. yum?


Conclusion: the store bough ones are better.



1 comment:

  1. The store bought ones may be better but man, your homemade ones look delicious and so chewy.
